Some of us might have experienced prolong bad luck for months, years or even decade affecting our career, wealth, luck, person relationship etc. It usually began with disruption in our career thereafter, loosing our job followed by financial crisis coupled with prolong unemployment. Eventually, taking its toll on our family.
"One bad thing leads to another", the phase has its meaning! Some of my subjects went through prolong bad luck and the situation deteriorated across time. Some were out of employment for months or even years with little financial resources left to support their families. Some desperate individuals took some risks and started some business ventures but ended up worst than before. Nothing seems to go right during this period and finally, when you see hope or light in the just fade away or pass through you. For some people, the opportunity came but brought more negativity to them than ever.
As we get more and more desperate, we seek answer and start asking questions "why is this happening to me" or "Why do I have to go thru this". Sound very familiar har? Some will seek spiritual guidance by getting their fortune read, visiting medium and finding remedies, cures to reduce their bad luck but to no avail. Some will looks to religion for answer while other just gave up.....
Some people are more fortunate and never have to go through this stage of life with sufficient financial resources. But not for the common folks that are working hard just to bring food onto the table for their family.
For many of us, it might just take 1-2 years for bad luck to fade away and we can reboot. But for some individuals going though bad 10 year cycle, it felt like eternity. Different individuals will respond differently.
Type A: Strong will and determine, keep trying and never give up....
Type B: Desperate for answers and eager to find a way out, will try all things such as cures and remedies to improve their situation
Type C: Strong faith and turn to religion for shelter
Type D: Accept the facts and do nothing
Type E: Understand the situation and exercise cautious during this period, recuperate and plan ahead when it ends!
So what type of personality are you?
One blow after another, it doesn't matter how strong will or determine you are, it'll wear you out eventually........and bad luck don't go away by performing rituals, cures, remedies etc. At most, it just lessen the impact but to what degree is subjective.
I always advise my friends that during the bad luck cycle, lay low and don't take unnecessary risks even though the opportunity arrives and promise you wealth and progress....this opportunity might brings more disastrous consequences unless you know that your bad luck cycle is ending soon.
My suggestions for your kind references!
- Always exercise cautious and restraint on your action
- Don't take any shortcut!
- Have a strong faith in your region
- Pray regularly to your religion
- Upgrade yourself and wait
- Presume your daily activities
For Buddhists:
- Engage in Pali and Mantra chanting
- Meditate more often
- Make offering to the triple gems
- Perform more good deeds
For Bazi & Feng Shui Believers:
1) Please get your Bazi Chart analyse and make an effort to understand your chart! No masters will understand you better than yourself. While masters make assumptions and recommendations, try to think logically on the possibility and discount all the irrelevant predictions. But do take note of the key events and always be cautious cause your action will lead to the occurrence.
2) Get your house Feng Shui audited! If Feng Shui does not affect you doesn't mean it'll not affect your family members especially kids and seniors.
Example: If 2016 appears in you bazi chart as inauspicious year , the higher the probability that the flying star entering your main door isn't auspicious too. There is a high correlation based on my experience.
3) Can also try to ask for guidance by drawing divine lots. Thereafter, sum up all predictions, suggestions and occurrences to make inform decision.
Sudhu, Sudhu, Sdhu!
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